Pasta Al Forno

Cook 14-16 oz pasta drain/preheat oven to 350 F
in saucepan, melt 1/2 cube butter
saute some onions & Garlic (Italians wouldn't mix these two, but we Americans can!)
Stir in 7 Tbsp of flour
add about a quart of milk stir until thick
add 2 Tbsp sugar, 2 tsp salt, ~1 tsp pepper
2 Tbsp Basil. Add 28 oz Diced tomatoes... add more/less of seasonings to taste
add 1 small can mushrooms, 1-2 cups meat...

Put pasta in casserole pan, pour sauce over pasta nd mix well, cover with mozzarella and/or cheddar
cook for 30-45 min.
let cool 10-15 min


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